• Do Judges Play by the Rules? - A Reply to ''Playing by The Rules''

    Do Judges Play by the Rules? - A Reply to ''Playing by The Rules''

    Jurisprudence and legal interpretation are two themes that are dear to me. As such, I was quite ecstatic  when I received a copy of a book chapter titled: "Playing by the rules: the search for legal grounds in homosexuality cases - Indonesia, Lebanon, Egypt, Senegal" from Sam Ardi last week, especially because the front page mentions the terms "positivist" and "realism" in law and the chapter itself seems to discuss the role of interpretation in dealing with concrete legal problems. While the paper is indeed interesting and informative for a descriptive work on how different jurisdictions interpret their laws on homosexuality cases, I find that the core analysis lacks a coherent theme from jurisprudential and social science perspectives and this will be the focus of my comments today.
  • Hukum dan Imajinasi - Sebuah Surat Cinta Bagi Ilmu Hukum

    Hukum dan Imajinasi - Sebuah Surat Cinta Bagi Ilmu Hukum

    Di penghujung artikel saya minggu lalu mengenai kemungkinan sesuatu mengada dari ketiadaan, saya menyampaikan bahwa salah satu alasan penting untuk menunjukkan bahwa keberadaan Causa Prima atau Tuhan bukan merupakan suatu keniscayaan secara logika maupun ilmiah adalah supaya orang memahami bahwa hal tersebut merupakan perkara iman dan keyakinan pribadi yang tidak bisa dipaksakan kepada orang lain. Dalam artikel hari ini, saya ingin menyampaikan satu alasan lainnya yang tak kalah penting terkait pemahaman di atas, yaitu pentingnya berimajinasi. 

  • Apakah Mungkin Sesuatu Mengada dari Ketiadaan?

    Apakah Mungkin Sesuatu Mengada dari Ketiadaan?


    Gara-gara menemukan twit imut di atas, saya jadi teringat salah satu diskusi beberapa bulan lalu soal apakah keberadaan causa prima (yang biasanya diterjemahkan menjadi Tuhan) itu suatu keniscayaan secara logika (logical necessity), dan oleh karena itu harus benar adanya dalam setiap keadaan. Pendek kata, dalam diskusi tersebut saya menyampaikan bahwa keberadaan causa prima tidak niscaya secara logika dan bahwa ada hal-hal yang tidak bisa dibuktikan baik secara logika maupun empiris, dan oleh karenanya ada peran yang besar dari iman dalam beragama, khususnya untuk hal-hal yang ujungnya memang sesederhana percaya ga percaya.
  • On Finding a Successor

    On Finding a Successor

    I recently found another gem of a slice-of-life manga titled Sota's Knife (Souta no Houchou) and boy, what a page turner! The manga tells the story of Sota Kitaoka, a young man from Hokkaido, that pursues the art of classical Japanese cuisines at Ginza Tomikyu, a ryotei that is known as one of the best traditional restaurants in Tokyo (all are fictional in case you are wondering). The relationship between Sota and Kyugoro Tomita (his Oyakata a.k.a boss/owner chef/master), his colleagues (including his love interest, Tomita's daughter), his growth from a kitchen helper to the top level, his dream of opening his own restaurant versus continuing the legacy of his boss, the hyper competitive environment of restaurants in Tokyo, and the passion and dedication of a true Shokunin shown throughout the series, are simply beautiful and full of emotions. Not only that they remind me of all the restaurants and chefs in Japan that I love so much (and sadly I could not visit until God knows when), but also the journey of my own career and what I look forward to for my future.

  • The Protection of Criminal Suspects in Law and Economics Perspective

    Forthcoming in Jurnal Teropong Edisi RUU KUHAP 2015 | 23 Pages | Posted: 10 May 2015 | Date Written: April 28, 2015

    Public Choice Theory and its Application in Indonesian Legislation System

    24 Pages | Posted: 8 Oct 2012 | Last revised: 8 Nov 2014 | Date Written: October 8, 2012

    Special Purpose Vehicle in Law and Economics Perspective

    Forthcoming in Journal of Indonesia Corruption Watch, 'Pemberantasan Kejahatan Korupsi dan Pencucian Uang yang Dilakukan Korporasi di Sektor Kehutanan', 2013 | 15 Pages | Posted: 22 Aug 2013 | Date Written: August 18, 2013

    Legal Positivism and Law and Economics -- A Defense

    Third Indonesian National Conference of Legal Philosophy, 27-28 August 2013 | 17 Pages | Posted: 22 Aug 2013 | Last revised: 3 Sep 2013 | Date Written: August 22, 2013

    Economic Analysis of Rape Crime: An Introduction

    Jurnal Hukum Jentera Vol 22, No 7 (2012) Januari-April | 14 Pages | Posted: 12 Nov 2011 | Last revised: 8 Oct 2012 | Date Written: May 7, 2012


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